Wednesday, 6 February 2013

driving miss jessie

Driving lessons.  yes I am, after ALL these months, in fact more than a year, back at this subject.  

The drivee, namely Jess, is now 18.  Which means she can legally get a licence.  We need the learner's licence, 2 ID photos, her ID book with a copy, the money and her to make an appointment to get it done.  We do have the 2 ID photos, her ID book with a copy, the money and her.  We also know where to make the appointment.  What we do not however have, is a learner's licence.  Because we lost it?  No ..... because the drivee, namely Jess, has not taken the test yet. The test which one can take when one turns 17. 

Now understand, I am quite happy to cart her around.  In fact, more than happy not to cut this apron string yet.  But ...... when she gets into chef school, and starts in January, she will have to be mobile as the class and restaurant hours are such that she will need her own wheels .,.,, and be able to operate them :)

Taking the learner's test has not been without hiccups .... for the first 5 months of being 17 she was waiting for her ID book to arrive, then we had to go and make an appointment ... on a weekday .... first thing.  Every time I could go, she could not miss the first lesson of the day, when holidays came ..... well they came .... and went.  Then her BFF was coming along and I moved the date 3 times with work committments, then BFF lost her ID book so we waited in the hope she found it.  Then Dec came and the municipal offices closed.  Then January came and there has not been a morning that she felt comfortable arriving late for her lessons in Matric.  

However today I realised that in at least 9 months she must have got her learners and her licence and get comfortable driving in traffic .... because traffic she will find plenty of going on the highway to be at class by 730am daily. 

So her and dad's driving lessons will continue.  Apparently he is "the patient one" pffffft.  I am plenty patient ..... the drivee gets all worked up, arms waving, glaring at me, gets out the car, back in, more glaring.  So it's  back to weekends driving around the school grounds and once we have that elusive learners we can start letting her drive on the road.  The real road.  

Gulp.  Maybe it is better if hubby does this one. 

Nic ....... let's go buy your cricket bag you and I. 

Till next time,

c'est la vie xxxx

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