The rumour mill ….. aaah that ever churning, ever flowing
channel of miscommunication and misinformation to which so many people have a
lifelong subscription.
How is it that some people simply want to hear
something, anything, as long as they can repeat it to a myriad of other people,
thereby discrediting someone, or harming them verbally, without even stopping
to consider the harm they do, or the untruths and half-truths they carry
How is it that some people simply want to say
something, anything as long as …………. repeat paragraph above
I have a friend, about whom a stupid and senseless rumour
was started recently. It was wrong, it
was misinformed and it was totally unsupported.
But the person who started it did so anyway and of course nothing like a
juicy, incorrect story to spread like wildfire.
Did anyone take the time to verify the story with my friend? No, because they did not have time to stop in
their marathon of repetition cycle. The
person was then given the correct info, and they apologised, but once you blow
your cigarette smoke out your lips, there is no way you can suck it all back ….
it is out there …. gone …. spreading around.
And this friend deserved way more respect than that.
Someone decided I had had a bumper bashing …… so the story
was told like that …. a simple bump …… the truth was something else completely
….. in fact a severe something else ……. did the repeater of the story bother to
clarify …. did they bother to check if we were ok in the week? Nope, too busy repeating the story of how I
was off when there was nothing really wrong with me. Always amusing when a lay person knows better
than a trauma doctor. What a waste to
study for all those years. When they
saw me they realised their error ……. too late she cried.
Everyone at some stage plays this game, but some
people? Some people get their Masters
degree in Rumouritis ….. hanging over other people like vultures, waiting for
the opportunity to spread their venom.
It is actually a very sad reflection of those people’s lives that their
joy comes from such behaviour.
And so it goes, rumours abound ….. why bother to say
something truthful, when there is a half-truth waiting in the wings. People comment on other people’s jobs,
families, children, lifestyle and on and on, they interfere and make their own
conclusions, often incorrect and harmful, about others.
So as a kid told me a little while ago ……… zip your lip if
you can’t be nice. In this case, zip it
if you don’t have the facts.
Amen to that.
Till next time
c’est la vie xxxx
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