Tuesday 31 December 2013

Please and Thankyou. Love and Laughter

So here we stand ... 2014 is peeping cheekily around the corner, waiting for the 24 hrs of its  predecessor to run to an end.  2014 is waiting in the wings, shiny as a new penny, unblemished, filled with promise and good intentions.  In 365 days time, what will you have done with that year? Wasted it? Put it to good use? Blemished it? Used it in a blaze of glory?  Perhaps pause a moment and consider the many options open to you. 

I myself have pondered the question at great length over the past two weeks or so ..... What will I leave in 2013, what will I look for in 2014, what will I start, what will I end .... And who do I want to end the year as?

I know that I want to say I can't or I don't know if I am capable, way less. 
I am going to both listen and hear more.  
I am going to remember that I have one mouth and two ears for a reason.
I am not going to be quieter, more subdued, less involved or anything else to fit into a mould
I will trust more and forgive those who hurt me this year.  I will praise more and find less fault and forget those who demean others

I will deepen my Faith and surround myself with people of warmth, caring and wisdom.

I am also going to surround myself with people who do not find it hugely and unusually difficult to say "thank you" and "sorry".  Such simple words that some refuse to utter, simply to prove a point.   Life is too short for that.  And what joy can it possibly give you?

I will actively seek joy. Happy people. People filled with Faith,  

I am going LIVE and LAUGH and LOVE

and in 365 days time I am going to look back with great satisfaction.

Till next year ...
c'est la vie xxxx

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