Monday, 23 June 2014

Retreating into myself .... the Corpus Christi weekend

This weekend past I went on a Corpus Christi retreat with mostly members of my own parish, along with some from other parishes.  The retreat was led by PIE with our very own Fr Chris contributing greatly on the Eucharist, Order of the Mass and of course celebrating our daily Masses over the 3 days. 

What did I leave at home?  Laundry, lists, TV, social media, questions like where is this and where is that from kids, cooking, driving, working, emails etc etc. 

What did I find there?  Peace, quiet, God, fellowship, Worship, friends, SLEEP, the Rosary, insight into my religion, prayer, music, Mass and in many ways .... myself.  Me.  Just Karin.  Not Karin the mom or Karin the employee or Karin the whatever.  Just Karin.  

I know this because during the Mass I cried.  All 3 days.  Why?  Who knows .... it felt like I was a big over-inflated balloon and when you took all the stuff as listed in the 2nd paragraph away, it was like pricking me with a pin .... and as I calmed down, slowed down, breathed .... I cried.  And the best thing is, no-one chuckled, no-one judged, because many were crying themselves.  

When I left there it was with somewhat of a heavy heart ... I would have liked a day or two more. 

When I came home I found all the regular stuff ..... but I did the laundry slowly ..... I took time to do things for me.  Monday came around and my life was chaos again .... at one stage during the morning doing 32 jobs at once I wondered if the retreat had helped.  But I breathed and I switched off the radio on the way to work so that I could listen to God.  Not talk to him, but listen to what he was telling me. 

And sometimes I am not going to look for something or clean something or wash something.  Sometimes I will simply say tomorrow it will be done.  Because now is me time. 

Give yourself space as Fr Chris says ... 

c'est la vie xxx

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