Wednesday, 31 January 2024

So how is your week going? Yes I wrote this blog a while ago. 

I have tripped going up (yes up, not down the plethora of steps up to our house) - one lekker blue knee

I have gone to the Boks parade in CT with hubby.  We had a fantastic time.  We also returned home with his brand new birthday phone having being taken out of his pocket and me having stuff stolen out of my rugsack, including a fountain pen which my dad gave me just before he died.  Yes I carry it on me, I am one of those unusual people who write with a fountain pen —- lists, notes, anything. Did we not notice the stuff being taken? No, in a mob of tens of thousands of people.  No. 

I have booked some brand new book titles at the library.  Many of these are books of my favourite authors, released after October this year, and in our library care of a grant.  R10 to reserve the book. R380 to buy it at Exclusive Books.  You do the maths. 

I have had some bad news about something huge.  It is pretty catastrophic.  As always the wheel turns.  And when we are finished dealing with this shitshow of a situation, I will try hard not to wish bad fortune on this person. I may have to pray for forgiveness instead.

I have gained 2kg because I am in a bizarre state, like a baby, where I only go to bed after 4am.  Every single day. If I get into bed earlier, I lie there till 4 or 5am. My therapist has now explained to me what has to be done to “reset|” my body clock.  It involves one very tough day. The weight is not due to 4am, it is due to one horrible situation after another this year. Big ones. As my son asks “why do such things happen over and over to good people”.  Please don’t quote to me anything cutesy about life.  Not now. 

I have been given an ASTOUNDING gift by my son - 4 days at the ultra luxury game lodge where he works as a Field Guide / Ranger.  It is luxurious, let me tell you.  Extremely so, and I am getting all the bells and whistles, VIP, amazing everything, courtesy of him. Also I get 2 game drives a day with my awesome, talented and knowledgeable son.  I am counting down the 13 days to go. 

I have been blessed that I am going to Pretoria again in 10 days and will see my sussie and my beautiful chef girl.  Which means I can eat at the restaurant.  And see my bestie for as we call it “a debrief”’ - which is just formal speak for skinner, laughter, food and catching up. I will get to go and sort out dad’s clothes with my sussie, at the house, see Joey who has been so lovely watching it and then we are getting together at dad’s favourite Spur the day before I come home, to celebrate, as a family, his birthday. He and mom loved going there. 

I have won a beautiful clivia in a raffle at the Helderberg Animal Welfare.  One of our beautiful doggies we have, was adopted from them and I will do anything and everything I can to assist them. Perhaps the reason I enjoy helping them is because people treat dogs like rubbish and then they end up there. They cannot speak, and I will help to be a voice for them. 

So those are my “I have” for the week …… what are yours?

Till soon 

c’est la vie xxxx

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