Monday 12 January 2015

the past 7 days

It has been an interesting past 7 days for a number of reasons.  

I came back to work ..... to my office which I love .... my very very hot office and to my great friends who work along the passage adjacent to my office.  

My daughter finally seems to be settling down a bit in her 5 month stay in CT and is getting used to the crazy hours of her training there. 

My son seems to be growing taller before my eyes and I am already wondering if the new blazer my parents so generously bought is going to cover his wrists until the end of Gr 11 ..... which is the plan.  I have also spent some real quality time with him both on Friday and Sunday night and he never ceases to amaze me with his depth of knowledge and maturity.  And we share a crazy sense of humour.  

I then made an appointment with a friend for a chat on Friday.  A knowledgeable friend, a religious friend and one with a depth of conversation that brought me close to tears.  Sometimes the wisdom that comes from other people can put so much in your life into sharp focus and at the same time remind you that you actually are ok as a person in the big scheme of things.  It is amazing that someone can listen for so long and then come up with the most incredible and relevant replies and assurances and advice.  I have three such persons in my life.  You should all try have at least one. 

Today someone arrived at the office gate to thank me in advance for the admin work I will do for the church this year.  Well now I better make sure that I perform!! It was a nice gesture. 

My blog is climbing nicely and in addition I have been given an opportunity to have a previous blog used in a column ..... which is nice and special to me.  And it is so valuable to me those people who are supportive and interested in my blogging.  

I walked a friend's dogs for him .... well actually they walked me.  So that was fun.  I sort of ran past the local school opposite my office and then on the downhill we slowed to a bit more of a trot, but when we got into the road parallel to my office we got into a bit more of a brisk gait.  And then I came back and repeated it with the other dog.  It made me laugh.  A lot.  I love those puppy friends of mine! 

Someone brought a great big donation of toys and books to my office to be given to the Outreach for distribution to needy schools ... that brought a big smile to my face. 

I have stuck to my guns about drinking 10 glasses of water a day although the heat means that the ice cold water is luke-ish most of the day which is not that great!  I am trying to slow down sugar intake.  Baby steps.  But at least I am trying. 

I started the week in a very anxious space which always seems to "paralyse" me ... unable to eat, not sleeping well and something akin to an ulcer burn in my stomach all day.  The result of that was a couple of days in which my self-esteem and self-worth took a severe beating but luckily this improved by Wednesday and by Friday I was feeling better.  Now just to sort out the insomnia.  

So considering all the above I can hardly believe it is only the 12th ... but it was a week in which I learnt some valuable lessons from others. 

till soon 
c'est la vie xxx 

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So how is your week going? Yes I wrote this blog a while ago.  I have tripped going up (yes up, not down the plethora of steps up to our hou...