Monday 7 March 2016

trust .... anger ...... and yes that damn pausing

This thing of Pausing can be a bloody irritating habit sometimes.  But halfway through Lent and I am still at it.  It was suggested to me by a friend that sometimes I pause too long, but as long as I am working at it and since I have made great strides, I am very proud of myself.

This pause theory often makes for a situation where my poor hubby .... he of great wisdom and much patience ... has to listen to me verbalising the thing that I am pausing about.  He is awesome at listening or at times when needed being either the voice of reason or an ardent supporter of my issue.

Tonight the poor man simply asked .... "hey what's up" as he saw me frown as I wrote an email.    BOOM .... out came the pause issue ..... in a sixty sentence eruption from me .... tumbling out as he watched my frustration.  Tonight he chose to listen to me ... and offered only two words of wisdom.

I drove to Adoration and entered the chapel greeting the Lord with great love for our coffee hour together in the late night hours.  And then I sat and told him the story.  
And I know that my heart can be still.  My head can be still.  In HIM I place my trust.  As he does in me.  He knows me.  And he is proud of me.

I have paused.  The anger that has raged inside me is still there . .but it is calming.  HE knows me.

Till soon
c'est la vie xxx

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So how is your week going? Yes I wrote this blog a while ago.  I have tripped going up (yes up, not down the plethora of steps up to our hou...