Tuesday 8 January 2013

shop till you drop

So after 25 000 reads on my previous blog forum I finally decided after a trial seperation that me and that forum had to get divorced ... sad, but such a reality.  I hope to find a following here now.

So here I am, sitting at Circus Circus cafe in Gateway simultaneously creating a blog, drinking cappuccinos, calling kids to remind them to be back here by 630pm and watching the passers-by.  And boy are the passers-by and others entertaining!

I have witnessed a table of five that spoke so loudly that it started to sound .... as my friend Lloyd Mtuwa would say..... like a political gathering. It was actually just them.  Speaking to each other.  

Now opposite me are a family of 4 at a table for 2.  There are plenty of open tables. So he is standing.  She is sitting with a girl of about 12 on her lap. The other daughter of about 15 on the other chair.  Their drinks arrived ... he is standing having his.  Perhaps they charge less if you don't occupy a chair?  Why don't they say so .... I can stand and blog!

Just had a young couple pass by ... about 19 I guess.  He had that pained look that guys get when dragged round the mall.  She had a whole other look .... a more like "I thought my boobs are supposed to be mostly outside my top" kind of look.  Women glared.  Men stared.

What I did not see in the mall was that common sight in all Pretoria malls, especially the upmarket ones ..... the moisturizer and other cremes from the Dead Sea or Red Sea or whatever.  A stand in the middle of one of the busy mall areas and when you pass a chick jumps out with a little cup and says "try this on your hand".  Trust me when I say DON'T.  This is not a try the creme and move on area.  This is a once you touch the creme you get the sales pitch about why this extremely expensive product will change your life kind of area.  It's as lethal as giving your address to a win some timeshare agent.

I saw teenagers, pensioners, middle aged people, every race, every face, overdressed, underdressed, barely dressed, talking, laughing, scowling, arguing, with shopping bags, without shopping bags and I realized ..... Elaine Boosler was correct ...."When women are depressed they eat or go shopping.  Men invade another country.  It's a whole different way of thinking".

Till next time ** c'est la vie xxx

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So how is your week going? Yes I wrote this blog a while ago.  I have tripped going up (yes up, not down the plethora of steps up to our hou...